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My own interpretation of the work of art by Sir Norman Foster is finally Done.

I have completed my detailing of the Free University Philological Library Building and I enjoyed every minute of it. It is a good and much much needed break from the design module. It felt a lot more natural and enjoyable...peaceful.

I guess that is why I chose Technology, to come up with technical resolutions and detail them.

Cross Sectional View(by author)

The diagram shows pretty clearly the air flow through the building, how natural lighting is implemented and water harvesting is not immediately obvious but the soil pipe and floor drains carry rainwater to an underground water reservoir. This a beautiful example of sustainability.

Details(by author)

And because it is designed by Norman foster, the technical detail is challenging, fitting for a renowned Architect. Norman Foster is one of a few Architects who make sense to me, along with my personal favourite; Renzo Piano(whose building Ihad the option of detailing but figured I want to learn a new building technology in spaceframing).

I have thoroughly enjoyed this exercise. My detailing, mapping, spatial imaging, and technical resolution habe improved greatly since I started the assignment. I have been able to succesfully integrate of the technology to my building for design. Hopefully I can also post the final design project as well. Feast your eyes, marvel at my greatness you peasants. LOL, that was a joke, My external moderator will not be amused by my attempt but it was a fruitful exercise overall.

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