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Well, as promised, I come bearing gifts. Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone in between I present to you the final product. The 3Dsmax render:...

Medium Quality Interim Submission Render.

Real Image

My favourite part of this exercise was modelling the curtains. There is something about something you have personally invested in that makes it special. I watched some tutorial videos to learn how to model a curtain in 3Dsmax...from scratch so...hello...yaay me?

What I had the most fun with, however, was the lighting. Doing the lighting felt somewhat like being a magician. Going into the exercise I haphazardly thought it would be as simple as slapping in a sun and it would act right and light up my interior Little did Esque know that It takes more lighting engineering than Beyonce's Coachella Concerts. Pretty soon it starts to feel like you are in a cockpit and have to land this behemoth.

Just as was starting to fondle lighting, showing 3Dsmax that I am conquering it... It unleashed the Leviathan with materials. Materials showed me my mother! I got the gist and weathered, though.

This exercise is really immersive and filled with practical learning opportunities to really buckle down and acquaint oneself with this rendering program.

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